December 1999 Sent to you at your request by Tom Shay and Profits Plus Seminars Visit our website at www.profitsplus.org In this month's issue of e-ret@iler, we will show you how to improve your one on one sales with a double-digit increase. On
the Profits Plus Seminars website this month, we have added a new article
entitled, A Piece of the Pie. It doesn't teach you anything new about
how to conduct business. We just thought it was a timely article as
we just complete Thanksgiving to express how we can appreciate what
we do. New on the Profits Plus website: It is not quite the game of solitaire, but it is fun. We now have a 20 question, multiple-choice test designed for the retail trade. When you visit the page, you will have the opportunity to answer each of the questions, and then click the submit button. You don't leave your e-mail, or any other personal information. But, as soon as you click the submit button, you will receive your grade, as well as see any of the questions you answered incorrectly, and the correct answers. Play as often as you like. It is free for you to enjoy and improve your retail knowledge. Business Knowledge Test Back to the question we posed at the start of the e-ret@iler. When you are waiting on a customer there are two things you can do, each of which can provide you with a double-digit sales increase. The first step is in showing an item to a customer; hold it just above waist high and in a manner as if to hand the product to the customer. By doing so, the customer is more apt to take the item into their hands. If they do, you are 14% more likely to make the sale. The second way of increasing your sales by double digits, occurs when the customer has decided to buy the item. You now have the opportunity to ask, "Is one enough, or would two be better?" Studies have shown, you have a 19% chance the customer will take the second item. If you have received this edition of the e-ret@iler by way of someone passing it on to you, you can add your name to the free subscription list by clicking on the link in the upper corner of the page. Thanks for allowing us to visit your computer this month, and taking the time to read our newsletter. We trust you have received some business building ideas from it, as we look forward to seeing you again next month. Get
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