of a Tom Shay presentation
each trade show, there is a new vendor wanting to maximize their exposure
to potential customers. Likewise, there is often a vendor that has added a new
product or product line, and is in need of that same exposure.
As the organization producing a trade show, you have an opportunity,
and obligation to assist in getting those products introduced to dealers.
Because the presentations that Tom Shay provides, attendees often
want to visit with Tom afterwards to ask questions that are specific
to their business.
By having Tom speak at your event, you can capitalize on these needs
and opportunities. As an extension of his commitment to dealers, Tom
suggests this format:
Select some of Tom's columns that relate to the topic he will be speaking
on to promote Tom's appearance at your event.
Offer a sponsorship to a vendor using a "Tom Shay is sponsored
at our event by
" tag line with your pre-show material.
Include their logo as well. Mention the vendor when introducing Tom,
and that Tom will be appearing in the vendor's booth after his presentation.
Explain to the attendees that they can visit the vendor's booth to
sign up for a 30-minute one-on-one visit with Tom, and that this service
is provided to them with the compliments of that vendor. Utilizing
this format, the buyer will be visiting the vendor once to sign up
for a time, and a second time for their actual visit.
Have the vendor provide some of their products, or information about their services that Tom can use as "props" during the presentation, providing additional exposure for the vendor.
This unique promotion will assist you in making your show successful
1. Having a show that is unique
2. Providing a service to vendors
3. Give the buyers attending your show an extra incentive and opportunity
to take information home to make their business more profitable.
After all, aren't profitable businesses and vendors what your trade show or conference is all about?
©1998-2025 Profits Plus Solutions, Inc.
Tom Shay
PO Box 128
Dardanelle, AR 72834