Teach in day & selling the turkeys
This month's power promoting idea has a bonus with two great promotions. The first is a reminder of an event that is often held around the 19th of November. It is National Teach In Day. On this day many schools invite business people to come and teach the classes.
This is a great way to introduce students to the great opportunity of being a part of the business community. Of course you can get some great publicity from it when you are creative in the way you teach, what you teach, and what you leave behind for the students. Contact your local school system to participate.
The second promotion is one that was created here in the states but can be adapted to other countries as well. Allow me to explain it in the original format.
The event begins on the weekend before the US Thanksgiving. You use multiple tables set up near the front of your store. Decorate the table in traditional fall colors and be sure to include turkeys as a part of the decoration. The one sign on the table states you are having your 'Annual Turkey Sale' beginning on the Monday morning before Thanksgiving.
On that morning, you fill the table with the appropriate merchandise which should contain several components. Some of the merchandise should be the 'turkeys' - the merchandise you definitely want to get rid of. It should be clean and if necessary, repriced to remove any signs of a previous markdown.
The merchandise selection should also include items purchased specifically for the annual turkey sale. This is where you get your vendors involved.
If you want this to become a great event that people talk about, you have to understand that you sacrifice margins for this. You have no advertising costs involved so that should allow you to be even more lenient with markdowns. This is what gets people talking about you and more people into your business.
The tables and merchandise all disappear before you open for business on the following Monday. The idea of the timing of the sale is to get people's attention before they start heading to the mall for that weekend.