This legend started with one of Santa's doubles---a jolly old "elf"
who, at the ripe old age of 90 still had a twinkle in his eye that delighted
hundreds, maybe thousands of children who sat on "Santa's"
knee and shared their wish lists with him every Christmas season in
the Rainbow Centre--a shopping mall in Niagara Falls, New York.
Each child, including my son at the age of two would shyly share the
itemized list with "Santa", who would then ask each of them
how deserving they thought they were. Satisfied with their behavioral
justification, he would reach into his fluffy red coat pocket, and pull
out a small brown envelope. As each child watched, "Santa"
would open the flap, and pour something from the envelope into the palm
of his hand. It was kind of glittery, and for good reason.
Every child heard the same explanation--that because they had been good
that year (and supposedly not all children had), they were going to
get this special envelope of "Magic Dust" to take home with
them. Instruction for its' purpose and use were very explicit: "You'll
want to sprinkle this on the sidewalk just in front of your house,"
Santa explained, "As I pass overhead, the moon will reflect off
the magic dust, and I'll know you've been good. The magic dust will
help the reindeer lead old Santa Clause right to your house!" With
a commitment to this, he would return the Magic Dust into the envelope,
lick the flap and seal it. He then placed it into the little hands of
the awestricken child, who was encouraged to take extremely good care of the envelope and put it in a safe place until
Christmas Eve.
The effect of the Magic Dust has been dramatic during Christmas with
my children. Every year, glitter is an important item on the Christmas
shopping list. Each Christmas eve after Luke's account of the birth
of Jesus is shared from the bible, the stockings are hung, the cookies
are in place for Santa, and the pistachios (for Rudolph!) are placed
in a bowl, the last remaining stop on the way to bed is a quick step
Making sure to be well out from under any shadows the front porch might
create, the Magic Dust is scattered across the sidewalk to signal the
home of another GOOD little boy of girl not to be forgotten in Santa's
miraculous flight across the moonlit sky.
Amazing things can be seen in the magic dust. One Christmas morning,
we were positive that the pattern in the Magic Dust came from the sole
of one of Santa's boots. Another year we saw Rudolph's hoof-print (right
nearby were the empty pistachio shells)---Santa must have fed Rudolph
right there on the sidewalk last night! The amazement in those little
eyes at the moment of discovery was priceless!
This Christmas eve, my daughter will carry on the tradition that
has now been enjoyed by my children for each Christmases since 1985-- It has become
a treasured tradition, all because we learned about the legend of the
Magic Dust from Santa so long ago in Niagara Falls, New York.
Is the legend of the Magic Dust fact or fiction? It would appear it's
only fiction if you don't believe in Santa Claus, .......but absolute
fact for those of us who still do!
D. Wendal