With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading small business management expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

e-ret@iler from Profits Plus and Tom Shay
ideas to sell more merchandise and services
June 2005 - Our 67th consecutive issue

The June e-ret@iler contains:

1. The article of the month: Creating a Partnership
2. e-ret@iler advisory of the month: July 17-23
3. Sales tip of the month: Touch Me!
4. Web tip of the month: Amp calculator
5. Our Power Promoting idea of the month: Have
an evening preview sale
6. Book of the month: Why employees don't do
7. Your e-ret@iler subscription and contacting
Profits Plus and Tom Shay

O => Print the June issue of the e-ret@iler so
you can read it at your leisure.


1. Article of the month: Creating a partnership

When we released a new book two years ago entitled
"How to become the Preferred Vendor - 251 Strategies
for doing more business with retailers", we did so
because we were hearing too often from retailers
about the problems they were having with vendors
and their sales representatives. This articles
tells about the uniqueness of partnerships with
sales representatives. And having one of these
partnerships is not a matter of luck. It happens
because the retailer is making efforts to improve
themselves and keeping their eyes open to find such
a valuable aide. Click on this link to see the
article of the month.

Creating a partnership

O <= After printing the June e-ret@iler, check
here if you plan to read the article of the month.


2. e-ret@iler advisory of the month: July 17-23

The folks at Hallmark are truly the pros at
creating a new holiday to get customers in the
buying spirit. However, I don't thing they will
creating one to celebrate what we have in common
with them - being independent businesses.

July 17-23 celebrates that very thing - those
people that are independent retailers.

O <= After printing the June e-ret@iler, check
here if you plan to do something for National
Independent Retailers Week.


3. Sales tip of the month: Touch me!

Wasn't this a line from a 60's song? Maybe so,
but it should definitely be something that
every person should be thinking about when
they talk with a customer face to face. When
you can get a customer to touch the item you
are wanting them to purchase, the chances of
them making the purchase go up by about 14%.

When you are having your staff meetings try
practicing ways of getting customers to touch
the merchandise and watch that sales increase.

O <= After printing the June e-ret@iler, check
here if you plan to use this tip.


4. Web tip of the month: AMP Calculator

This is one neat tool that we have created on
the Profits Plus website. It helps you to design
your annual Advertising, Marketing and Promotional
budget. It walks you through the process of
creating your weekly efforts. Take a look
at the calculator to see how it
can help you in your business to maximize
your advertising, marketing and promotional

AMP Calculator

O <= After printing the June e-ret@iler, check here
if you plan to look at the AMP calculator.


5. Our Power Promoting idea of the month: Have
an evening preview sale

Whether it is a newspaper, radio, television
or direct mail advertising effort, you can add
a lot of extra "punch" to your efforts by
having a preview sale on the evening before
your advertising reaches the public.

If your business is open evenings, then closing
early and covering the windows to add to the
mystique of your preview sale. Sending postcards
to your database makes for a great event.

Don't forget to include refreshments, entertainment
and door prizes. You'll not only reward your
best customers for their loyalty but you will
get an early gauge of what items will be your
best sellers.


6. Book of the month: Why Employees Don't Do What
They're Supposed To Do And What To Do About It
by Ferdinand F. Fournies

Quite a long title and quite a good book. When
you open this book, take a close look at the
table of contents and you will quickly see how
this book has fascinating and invaluable information
to assist a business owner in coaching their
staff for maximum results.

If you have already read this book, or are looking
for more books to read, click on this link to
see our book referral list.

Book Referral List

O <= After printing the June e-ret@iler, check here
if you plan to read the book of the month.


8. Your e-ret@iler subscription and contacting
Profits Plus and Tom Shay

On a personal note, I have a very special
request to ask of the thousands of readers
of our e-retailer. My father, Frank Shay is
in the hospital and having some ongoing
problems with regard to a heart attack he suffered
last week. Likewise, my mother, Shirley Shay is
under a lot of pressure as she stays by his
bedside day and night. I would greatly appreciate
your prayers for both of them.

The subscription is free. Just remember if you
are changing your Internet service provider, you
will need to enter your new e-mail address
to keep the e-ret@iler coming.

Contacting us is just as easy:
The phone is 727-464-2182
The fax is 727-898-3179
The mailing address is:
PO Box 128
Dardanelle, AR 72834 USA

Thanks for visiting with us this month. We
appreciate your taking time from your
busy schedule. Our goal is to help you and
your business to become more profitable. We hope
we have done that.

We encourage you to seek out and do business
with other independently owned businesses. If
you are wanting people to do business with you
because you are a locally owned business, then
it stands to reason that we should be doing
what we are asking others to do.

Get your Profits Plus. May God bless you and yours.
We will see you in July. And thanks for the prayers.

Tom Shay




©1998-2025 Profits Plus Solutions, Inc.
Tom Shay
PO Box 128
Dardanelle, AR 72834


MARCH 2025
Have the Small Business Advisories and News sent to your inbox. Subscribe HERE

Small Business


Does it seem like you, as the owner or manager, are having to do everything yourself? The March Small Business Advisory points out ways to lessen your load; even the responsibility of hiring!

Small Business


Top Story

People love entertainment. Is there something about your business that engages customers? Perhaps a part of the reason for growth in online and drive thru shopping is because the business does not know how to engage the customer.

Article of the Month

If a person is going to sell their business, there needs to be a plan to do so. Perhaps the surprise is that there is a lot to be done before a business is offered for sale. The March Article of the Month is titled, "Game Over".

Book of the Month

What are your strengths? What are your talents? You may think you know them, but the Book of the Month, "Now, Discouver Your Strengths" by Don Clifton can assist you in getting a truthful assessment. You may even find some hidden strengths and talents.


With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading Small Business Management Expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

Small Business


Does it seem like you, as the owner or manager, are having to do everything yourself? The March Small Business Advisory points out ways to lessen your load; even the responsibility of hiring!

Small Business



Top Story

People love entertainment. Is there something about your business that engages customers? Perhaps a part of the reason for growth in online and drive thru shopping is because the business does not know how to engage the customer.

Article of the Month

If a person is going to sell their business, there needs to be a plan to do so. Perhaps the surprise is that there is a lot to be done before a business is offered for sale. The March Article of the Month is titled, "Game Over".

Book of the Month

What are your strengths? What are your talents? You may think you know them, but the Book of the Month, "Now, Discouver Your Strengths" by Don Clifton can assist you in getting a truthful assessment. You may even find some hidden strengths and talents.