Advertising, Marketing, Promotion (AMP) Calculator from Profits Plus The
old saying is, "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Yet
so many businesses decide how to present their image to their customers
on a weekly basis. If they are going to utilize television, radio,
or newspaper advertising over a weekend, they begin to decide what
merchandise to promote on Monday morning. For the business that wants to succeed and grow, this is most definitely not the way to decide how to spend the advertising dollars. Instead, the most successful businesses make plans, and then carry them to completion. The most successful businesses also review their plans, efforts and the results on a frequent basis. Then you will see them making adjustments to the plan so they can profit from their efforts and the lessons learned from their efforts. So many businesses state that they do not have the time to dedicate to developing such a plan, nor do they know how to where to begin. Having heard this concern expressed by so many, we have developed the AMP calculator. AMP stands for Advertising, Marketing, and Promotion. With this calculator, we will guide you through the step by step process of determining how much, when, and where to spend these dollars. This calculator is a free download and will aloow you to create your detailed annual plan. PROFITS PLUS, FOUNDER OF...
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