Staff Incentive for Your Business - Just a word
Thinking about the businesses I have visited over the last two weeks, I heard from many about the issues and concerns with their staff. Rightfully so; these owners of product and service businesses have challenges with their staff.
However, it is not all a problem. Even with the employee that is the biggest concern, what happens when you catch them doing something right? Is it a thought of, "Finally they are doing what I tell them"?
If the only word they hear from an owner is when you catch them doing something wrong, they must think there is no way they can win.
Just a word (or two); as small as the achievement may be, tell the employee thanks; tell them you appreciate the effort. This may not turn someone into a superstar in your business, but both of you will feel better with just a word.
We want to recognize A Carrot A Day by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, whose book provides the basis for each month's incentive idea.