With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading small business management expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

March 2012
Volume 13 Issue 4

Article of the Month

What are you doing?
Tom Shay

'What are you doing?' is a very valid question to ask each of you with regard to your business.

Are you selling what the customer wants? Or are you solving their needs?

The idea for this article came as I read a book entitled, 'The Experience Economy'. Perhaps you have heard me tell the story of a friend named, 'CB', who moved to Florida to retire.

He wanted to buy a camera to take photos he could send to his friends and family up north. Over a period of years, he purchased nine camera systems.

He was happy he had done it as he learned to enjoy a new hobby. The camera store is to be commended for helping someone find something they truly enjoyed.

Enjoy this article as I tell the story of a car and how there is opportunity to make a sale while developing a loyal customer.

Click on Article of the Month to read this article.

Book of the Month

The Zappos Experience
Joseph Michelli

A couple of months ago I shared a book review of The Starbucks Experience because the author, Joseph Michelli, had moved into the neighborhood.

Visiting with Joseph, I told him, half jokingly, how he had ruined Starbucks for me as he told of some great experiences others had in Starbucks. I felt left out as any customer would when they hear how others are having a superior experience.

With this book, I am expecting to have a similar experience. I encourage you to read the book.

More importantly, after you read the book I suggest you take a look at your business.

My belief that reading the experience in one business should prompt a person to consider how they can make an experience with their business produce great results.

Let me invite you to enjoy these books.

Click on Book Referral to see the list of small business books we have found that may be helpful to your business.



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Business Advisory

March 29 - Mom and Pop Business Owner's Day

This holiday is meant to celebrate us; those individuals, and families that own local businesses. The people that were brave enough, determined enough, and the desire to work for themselves instead of someone else. These are my kind of people.

Promote to the media the importance of the independent businesses in your community. Mom and Pop Business Owner's Day celebrates all kinds of businesses. While many would think of the shops on Main Street, this also includes the restaurants, diners, and independent insurance agents.

It would include doctors, lawyers, landscapers, service providers and anyone who works for themselves to provide goods and services to their community.

The date was selected to honor the opening day of someone's family business in the 1930's. As an oddity, it also happens to be Sam Walton's birthday who would have been 94 in 2012.


March e-retailer conversation conference call
8pm eastern, Thursday, March 22, 2012

As March 22 was selected, I was reminded that this is just seven days after corporate tax day in the US. So, maybe a lot of you won't be in the best of moods as we visit on that evening. Of course, if you wrote a check for your taxes, that means you had some profit somewhere.

You have likely heard me say that an accountant has two jobs; help you pay as little taxes as legally possible and to delay those taxes for as many years as possible.

Many of you tell me the accountant is not the help you think they should be. Especially after I tell you about the great accountants we have had. Let's do something about it.

The March e-ret@iler conversation conference call is going to be about accountants. We may have a few jokes to tell about accountants; you may have some experiences with accountants that you want to share.

There are some of you that are going to think they need a new accountant or to get their current one working harder for their business. I am going to share a list of questions I suggest you ask your accountant or the person you are interviewing as your new accountant.

And here is a link to the conference call from February in case you missed it. And as a reminder, all conference calls are free and we provide a toll free number for participants in the US and Canada. We do so because we want to see your business succeed.

E-ret@iler conversations


Internet Tip of The Month

Gross Margin Calculator

Perhaps the phrase 'gross margin' needs more of an explanation as compared to knowing the math behind it. I frequently hear gross margin confused with 'gross markup' as well as 'maintained gross margin'.

Let me explain all three and invite you to take a look at the online calculator to do the math.

Gross markup (often infrequently used) means the selling price is a percentage of the cost. As an example, when something costs $5.00 and sells for $10.00 the gross markup is 100%. This is because 100% of the cost is added to itself to determine the selling price. My belief is that this phrase should simply go away because of the confusion.

The term 'gross margin' should be used because the math to determine it is the same as the math used in a profit and loss statement (also known as income statement). And as will be explained in this article, it could also be referred to as 'initial gross margin'.

The same $5.00 and $10.00 are used in this example with the answer to the calculation being 50%. The cost of the item, $5.00 is 50% of the price, $10.00 it is being sold for. Again this is the same math as what is utilized on a profit and loss statement.

The third term was 'maintained gross margin'. Looking again at that $10.00 item, imagine your discounting it because of the quantity purchased, end of season, or some other reason. The discounted price you select is $9.00 which gives a maintained gross margin of 45%. Maintained gross margin considers the price you actually sell something for while the initial gross margin considers the price you hope to sell something for.

Gross Margin Calculator

The Power Promoting Idea of the Month

Selling the green

With March 17 being St. Patrick's Day, it is time to bring out your Irish. There are a lot of fun ways to celebrate with your customers. For those that sell merchandise, you could have a sale in which there is a special price for every item that has green on it. You could end all your prices in .17 or have a prize for every 17th customer that makes a purchase.

Service businesses could also have specials that use 17 as a part of the price. You could also offer a special that includes a '17 point inspection'.

And while St. Patrick's Day is on a Saturday, nothing says you have to make it a one day event.






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Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Advisory offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business


Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.


With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading Small Business Management Expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Article of the Month offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business



Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.