With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading small business management expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

  e-ret@iler newsletter
March 2008
Volume 9 Issue 4


Profits_Plus Solutions
Tom Shay Photo
Article of the Month

The Master's Technique
Tom Shay

This month's article is one that you will likely want to print and share with all of your staff. It covers some of the basic principles of masterful selling.

I suggest everyone read it as often those I find who consider themselves to be very experienced fall back into the routine of using some of these cliche sales lines. Click on Article of the Month to read this article.

Book of the Month

Spin Selling
Neil Rackham

This book was found quite by accident. There was a group that we were working with that had utilized one of his previous books as a basis for their education program. And when the results were less than desirable, we went looking for a solution.

This book was on display at a local bookstore and so I wanted to see what else he had written. This book I really like. It talks about how certain sales are made over a period of time, and how some salespeople fail because they are going for the big sale all of the time.

We have more books to suggest for your reading. Click on Book Referralto visit this page on our site.



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Profits Plus
P.O. Box 128
Dardanelle, AR
72834 USA
(727) 464-2182 Voice
(727) 898-3179 Fax

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Business Advisory

Happy anniversary to us!

This issue marks the 100th issue of the e-ret@iler newsletter. What started as a one-time e-mail in December 1999, has grown into a monthly event that is sent to thousands of small businesses around the world. Thank you for making it happen and allowing us a few minutes of your time each month.

March 29, 2008. Don't forget this is 'Mom and Pop' Business Owner's Day. Be sure to celebrate your uniqueness.

Internet Tip of The Month
'Open to buy' Calculator

Inventory control - without a question this is one of the most important aspects of successfully operating a business. To help you succeed, we have provided you with an explanation of how good inventory control works, an article on why to utilize inventory control and a free 'open to buy' calculator that you can download.

'Open to buy' explanation and calculator

The Power Promoting Idea of the Month

Give 'em a plant!

One of the readers of the e-ret@iler shared this idea that was a part of our Power Promoting books. When the weather begins to warm up in their area and people are beginning to get outside and work in the yard, they include with their weekend advertising a give away of plants. They utilize small four inch plant material they purchase from another area business. If you are a garden center, this would be a great way to create a tie in with other businesses in your area.

Where's Tom?

As we approach Easter and the spring selling seasons, here is the current calendar of engagements:

March 12 Las Vegas
March 17 Louisville
March 18 Leasburg, MO
March 27 Orlando
March 31 Philadelphia
April 4 Jacksonville, FL
April 11 St. Cloud, MN






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Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Advisory offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business


Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.


With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading Small Business Management Expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Article of the Month offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business



Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.