Is is a blind price item?
1. Extra
time to price
2. Extra handling for customer
3. Natural add on item
4. Seldom used
5. Repair or replacement item
6. Luxury or status appeal
7. Seldom promoted
8. Not seasonal
9. Recreational item
10. Not sold in mass merchant
Score one
point for each yes answer to the 10 questions.
Possible margins are:
1to 3 points -- 40% to 45%
4 or 5 points -- 46% to 55%
6 points -- 56% to 60%
7 points -- 61% to 65%
8 to 10 points -- 66% and more
©1998-2025 Profits Plus Solutions, Inc.
Tom Shay
PO Box 128
Dardanelle, AR 72834