September 2001 Sent at your request by Profits Plus & Tom Shay What
you will read in this month's issue of the e-ret@iler: A
quick and special thanks 1.
Article of the month: Managing with your financial statements 2.
September 2001 e-ret@iler advisory: No! That's my answer, and I'm
sticking to it. You may find neither of these to be funny, because you have found them to be true. So, here are some ideas of how you can wrap your answer of "NO" in a different type of package, and get back to what you want and need to be doing. Many business owners and managers report their day is consumed by too many people such as insurance salespeople, groups wanting donations, stock brokers, telephone long distance sales people, and some sales representatives. Here are our ideas. With each of our suggestions, it is important that you follow your answer with a "thank you", (or "thanks, anyway"), a handshake if you are comfortable doing so, and then moving on. If you give one of these NO answers, and then just stand there, you are leaving yourself open to another comeback from the person asking the questions. How about the sales representative asking you to change to their line of products? Give them credit for coming back and asking. And most definitely don't tell them to stop calling, but try this one: "I like your product line, but I just would not feel right about dropping the line (or sales representative) that I have had for so many years. Thanks anyway." Our second example is again a sales representative: "I will be glad to change to your product line, if you will . (buy back my old inventory from the other vendor, pay the freight, give a 10% discount, give me 120 days dating). You can use any one, or combination of these conditions. When you stack up enough conditions, you can make it impossible for them to get the order. Example
number three is someone calling to make an appointment: Our
fourth example works great with many of the phone calls you receive: If they say they don't have any printed material, then finish the call with a "Thanks anyway", and hang up. Idea number five for saying NO is the time delay. "You know, we have talked a lot internally about this, and we find that we just have to say NO. This is all the time that we can spend with this. Thanks anyway." Sixth and final example for this month is the situation where you are invited to attend an event. Your answer can be, "I would love to be there. But I already have another commitment." We have another batch of NO answers, but we will save them for next month. Several of next month's NO's deal with the ability of passing something on to someone else. Perhaps you have some that have worked well for you that we could ask you to share with others in the October newsletter. Send us one that we use in next month's e-ret@iler and we will send you a copy of one of the Profits Plus Ideas books. 3.
Your free subscription to the e-ret@iler 4.
Contacting Profits Plus and Tom Shay Got a question? I am honored that you take the time to write and ask me to answer them for you. And, thanks to those who have done so. Last, and most definitely, thank you for inviting us onto your desktop, and taking the time to read our newsletter for September 2001. See you at an upcoming trade show, conference, and most definitely right here for the October issue of the e-ret@iler. Get your Profits Plus,
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