With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading small business management expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

August 2002
Sent at your request by Profits Plus Seminars & Tom Shay

1. The article of the month on the Profits Plus website: Consulting with other Dealers
2. e-ret@iler advisory of the month: Wants are not Needs
3. Our Power Promoting Idea of the month:
4. Your free subscription to the e-ret@iler
5. Contacting Profits Plus Seminars and Tom Shay

Print this month's e-retailer so you can use it as a plan of action in your business

1. Doing Your Market Homework
Our August article on the Profits Plus website is entitled,
"Consulting with other Dealers".
Meeting someone at a trade show or conference, or just sitting down to have a bite to eat or a cup of coffee, if you utilize these ideas with another dealer, you will find this can be a very wise investment of your time. The article of the month talks about how this can work in your business.

0 <= Check here if you plan to use this in your business

2. August 2002 e-ret@iler advisory: Wants and Needs
Think about a customer that calls you, or walks into your business. They ask for a product and you ring it up at the register. What was it that you sold them? The answer is, "Absolutely nothing!" You sold them nothing because they asked for that product, or service, and you delivered it. There were no sales skills what so ever in that transaction.

If instead, the customer was asked why they selected that particular item and what their expectations were, you might have found that what they were asking for was not what they needed. There is the definite possibility that after they use that particular product, they will return it to your business telling you that it is defective.

While we know it is not defective, we do have to lay the blame for this situation at the feet of the person who did not ask the necessary questions of that customer. In addition to your not wanting an unhappy customer and unnecessary return of a product, the best reason for your asking your customer about their selection is that the "needed" item is most likely to be a more profitable item for you than the item that they "wanted."

We found a good article on the Internet about selling things. It is written by Pam Danziger and is entitled. "Why People Buy Things They Don't Need". Click on this link to visit that page on the Internet. (The article that this link is referring to has been deleted from their website)

0 <= Check here if you plan to use this in your business

3. Our Power Promoting Idea of the month: Happy Birthday!
One of the businesses attending our presentations, shares that they make a point to get the customer's birthday as well as their name and address. Each year on their birthday, they send the customer a card along with a small gift certificate worth a couple of dollars off of their next purchase. Another option would be to have a small gift item that is given free to the birthday customer.

0 <= Check here if you plan to use this idea in your business

4. Your free subscription to the e-ret@iler
Going to change your Internet provider soon? Creating a new e-mail address for yourself? If so, be sure to let us know so that we can keep the e-ret@iler coming to you.

It is the best way to make sure you do not miss an issue.

If you have received this edition of the e-ret@iler by way of someone passing it onto you, you can get a free subscription list by clicking on this link and putting the word "subscribe" in the body or reference line of the e-mail.

You can also visit the website and click on the e-retailer logo to subscribe.

6. Contacting Profits Plus Seminars and Tom Shay
Thank you for inviting us to your desktop, and taking the time to read our newsletter. We trust you have received some business building ideas from it as we look forward to seeing you again next month.

Make an effort to locate and do business with other small businesses! Let's keep our money "in the family".

God Bless America!

Get Your Profits Plus,

Tom Shay


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Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Advisory offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business


Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.


With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading Small Business Management Expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Article of the Month offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business



Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.