February 2001 Sent at your request by Profits Plus Seminars & Tom Shay What
you will read in this month's issue of the e-ret@iler: 1.
Is it e-tailing or retailing? 2.
In the January issue of e-ret@iler, we talked about words that can enhance
your advertising. As a quick review, those words are: And for February, here is the rest of the list. These words when used in your various forms of advertising as well as signs within your business make a special appeal to your customers. Love - With everything from "I love you" to "She will love a " to "People you love to have", the word love is probably the most powerful word you can use. Guaranteed - Make it a sure thing for them. You can remove all the risks for the customer when you tell them the product or service is guaranteed. Remember the long time Sears slogan? It still appears over the door to their store. Satisfaction guaranteed. Safe
- Whether you are talking about the environment or a person's home or
car, there are plenty of dangers in the world today. People want to
feel safe and know your product or service is safe. Free - The example I give in all of my presentations is the presence of a buyer at a trade show. You know how you always like to return to your business with a bag full of goodies that were given to you by the various exhibitors? The same is true for each and every customer - they like something that is free. Easy - Works easy; easy instructions; make your life easy. No one wants to do things the difficult way. Can you make something easier for your customer? Then tell them about it. Magic - There is a town here in Florida that has built a kingdom around that word. There is even a basketball team in the town with the word Magic as their name. The word can also work for you. What is the "magic" in the product or service you sell? If you can tell the customer, you are going to have more customers making the decision to buy. Power - Feel the power. That is the current NFL slogan. Give your customer power in their life; and you give them the power through the products and services you sell. Is there a powerful solution? If you have it, then someone wants to buy it. 3.
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