Small business evaluation questionnaire from Profits Plus We have visited with a lot of small businesses and asked the owners and managers many questions about their business. When we work with a Main Street program, downtown development authority, business improvement district, chambers of commerce, merchants associations and other similar organizations we ask for the opportunity to learn in advance about the business and the owner or manager. We send a PDF which asks a lot of questions about the business and the person answering the questions. These are not questions that have right or wrong answers, but we think as the questions are answered a person gets a feel of where they are comforable and uncomfortable about themselves and the business. We want to share this opportunity to "self evaluate" with you. This link, Small Business Evaluation Questionnaire, allows you to download the questionnaire. We hope you enjoy many aspects of what you see about yourself and your busines; and that you work to improve the rest. PROFITS PLUS, FOUNDER OF...
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