With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading small business management expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

The return on assets calculator is created to help you determine if you are wisely using the assets that are controlled by your business. The calculation is made in several steps.

The first step is to determine your average inventory for the past year. Enter in the ending inventory for each of the past 12 months.

The second step is to total your operating expenses for a 12 month period. Do that in the "Annual Operating Expenses" section.

The third section is where you input the amount of assets at year end. After that you input your cash sales and charge sales. Charge sales are not bank card sales, but are from 'house' or corporate charge accounts.

The input of 'cost of goods sold' should be from a year end profit and loss statement. Miscellaneous business income is often for income from investments, dividends from buying groups, or rent collected for space that is provided to other businesses.

Return on Assets calculator from Profits Plus
Yellow indicates squares where info is entered
Press the Tab Key to Move to the Next Field!
Ending Inventory:  
Average Inventory
Annual Operating Expenses:  
Payroll Taxes
Property Taxes
Telephone & Utilities
Accounting & Legal
Bank Charges
Computer Operations
Dues & Subscriptions
Insurance - General & Workman's Compensation
Licenses & Taxes (not sales tax)
Office & Store Supplies
Outside Services
Total Operating Expenses
Other current assets
Average Inventory
Accounts Receivable
Other long term assets
Total Average Assets:
Cash Sales
Charge Sales
Total Sales
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Profit
Gross Profit %
Miscellaneous Business Income
Total Income from Operations
Operating Expenses
Operating Expenses %
Net Profit
Net Profit %
Asset turnover
Return on Assets

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Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Advisory offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business


Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.


With over 25 years of frontline experience Tom Shay is America's leading Small Business Management Expert. He's a "Must Have" for your next event.

Small Business


Whose job is this, anyway? Have you heard that before? The December Small Business Article of the Month offers ideas from those who have found solutions.

Small Business



Top Story

Past our announcement that the December newsletter starts our 26th year, we are discussing what is and what is not a problem.


Starting with, all these announced closings of retail operations is not a problem indicative of retail. It is an indicator of chain stores trying to correct the problems they previously made.

Article of the Month

We came across a solution of tasks not getting done as well as tasks not done correctly. We created an owner's manual for our business. Details in the Article of the Month.

Book of the Month

Atomic Habits by James Clear. Have you ever caught yourself saying that you had gotten out of the habit of doing something? Perhaps it is something you need to continue to do? This book can be applicable to personal and business life.